Мои здоровенные поздравления всему здоровенному коллективу
Дизайнеров, участвовавших в создании здоровенной замечательной книжки «Краткая иллюстрированная история будущего»!!! Мои поздравления Линии График, которая эту книгу напечатала, ничтоже сумняшеся!!! Мое почтение Мишке Лабазову, который все это придумал!!! Респект Жене Корнееву, который сделал общий дизайн буки!!! Ребята, охренеть можно — ваша книжка признана лучшим дизайн проектом года во Франкфурте! Пропьем дружно?
Dear Dr. Keleinikov,
In cooperation with the "Stiftung Buchkunst" in Frankfurt, the German
Commission for UNESCO awards every two years a special prize "Best
designed book of the year" in order to encourage publishers in selected
countries to continue producing high quality books. The prize money is
1000.- Euro and is granted to the publisher.
I have the pleasure of announcing to you that this year, we decided to
award the special prize of our Commission to the Publisher and
Illustrator "Studio DEZ Ь 5" for the book "Short Illustrated History of
the Future" for the very high artistic standard and its creative graphic
In a little ceremony in the frame of the book-fair in Leipzig (at 18
March 2005, 16.00 h, Stand A 400, hall 5) I will award the prize.
Could you please tell us if a representative of the publisher will be
able to assist at this ceremony. Unfortunately, we are not able to take
over the travel expenses. Another option would be that a representative
of the Embassy of Russia in Berlin comes to Leipzig in order to receive
the diploma.
Could you inform us how best we could transfer the money on the
publishers account.
Best regards
Christine M. Merkel
Head of the Division for Culture and Communication (Memory of the World)